Will happy hours work in a food truck? Without a doubt it will help us attract new customers, we just need to know how to do it!
What are happy hours?
Happy Hours are specific times when the food served is cheaper. Many companies choose to introduce them before closing time to get rid of leftover food that would no longer be suitable to serve the next day. Happy hours can also be an opportunity to promote your food, making your customers more likely to try it and perhaps return in the future.
Introduce happy hours in your food truck!
In our opinion, however, the best solution is to adapt the happy hours to the customer's needs. At lunchtime, for example, we can focus on discounts on certain lunch dishes: something different every day. It's also a good idea to offer different kinds of gratuities, such as a free drink with the set, something sweet to go with the coffee, or free chips, which the customer will receive when exceeding a certain amount of the order.
Find out that it is worth it!
Wondering if this is a good solution? Without a doubt yes! First of all, happy hours will help us attract customers at times when there are few of them. Introducing a fixed discount at a certain time will make your guests start to get used to it and you will gain a number of regular customers. Of course, we must remember to properly promote our activities. For this, social media will undoubtedly come in handy and should be a permanent channel of communication with our customers.
Happy Hours is a promotion undoubtedly known and liked by a wide group of recipients! Therefore, it is worth introducing it to our food truck, as a great variety.